
Showing posts from December, 2022

Miyamoto Musashi - Acceptance

Known to the Japanese as Kensei, "sword saint", Myiamoto Musashi is arguably the greatest swordsman to have ever lived.  Born into 16th-century Japan, Musashi won his first duel at 13. After tasting victory, Musashi became hellbent on becoming the best warrior in the realm. He ventured across Japan as a Ronin, a masterless samurai, challenging great warriors along the way. At 20, he disgraced the prestigious Yoshioka Clan in Kyoto, by defeating three of their warriors in single combat. He led clans into battles, he started his own dojo teaching his own fighting style and even defeated his nemesis Sasaki Johiro, using a wooden sword made from one of his oars. Masashi retired at 59, undefeated and with over 60 duels to his name.  So why was Musashi such a great fighter? And what can he teach us about how we should live our own lives?  Most of us are not feared swordsmen. Nonetheless, Musashi provides clear insight into the nature of discipline and mastery, that are...